Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dr. Laura Freed

The days following my halter monitor incident were not great. I was increasingly getting cold hands/feet - it seemed following anytime I would eat, about and hour later I'd have palpations and coldness would set in. My blood pressure was really low - averaging in around 96/60. The left side of my heart felt like it was shearing off on April 14th. I'd become super bloated when eating, and of course, the pain in my left side was still present, though it would come and ago and felt like it was the least of my worries at this point.
I'd started keeping a food diary (could it be food?) - and symptom log. I Just. Wanted. To. Get. Better. It was really getting ridiculous. I wanted answers. If I could just figure out what the fuck was wrong I tried to figure out how to make it right. I spent the "good" hours I had on Google reading about symptoms and signs and stories of other people who had gone through similar things. I was pretty confident by this time, I was a licensed Google doctor, having logged in enough hours to earn my own white coat (see what I did there?).
The good thing about searching the internet; it gave me comfort and hope. The bad thing - it worried me that so many people were frustrated with the health care system - and if it (the health care system) was overloaded now, what the heck was going to happen when EVERYONE had health care and the government stepped in to become the head of the serpent?

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