Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dr. Ukropec, Dr. Notte, and Fairy Dust.

Towards the end of February 2014, I started having pain in my lower left side again. Extreme bloating. Very tired. Katie, who had once mentioned she had never seen me cry, saw me breakdown and cry for no reason when we driving to Teds Montana for dinner. I was running to the bathroom frequently and had lower back pain. It was like a urinary tract infection, except I wasn’t having pain while whizzing and I wasn’t running a fever. It felt, again, like a cyst on my ovary had burst.
On Feburary 27th, 2014, I had my first (and last!) appointment with Dusty Ukropec. Dr. Notte had left and…giving my distrust in general of doctors (see Why I Distrust Doctors) – I wasn’t exactly thrilled, but I was willing to give her a chance.
However, she didn’t even take my temperature (yet suspected UTI)! She jumped right away to my symptoms being a urinary tract infection. I was focused on it being a cyst on my ovary, she was focused on a UTI. She didn’t do an internal. She just pushed around on my abdomen and spent the first 10 minutes of my appointment telling me that Dr. Notte must have had fairy dust sprinkled on him when he was born because he could do no wrong in the eyes of their superiors. Now listen, I was a fan of Dr. Notte, so I didn’t find it appropriate, no matter how much she seemed to be “kidding” – I sensed a very passive aggressive  thread of displaced anger (envy?) toward Notte. Because she then went on to tell me about this time Notte and her worked at some old folks home and all the residents adored Notte and the nurses adored Notte and at the end of their time there, he got a bacon of the month club gift certificate and a plaque and she got nothing! Now, keep in mind, I’m in fucking pain! It takes a-lot to get me to the doctors (see Why I Distrust Doctors!) and now here was my new  “family” doctor – and instead of getting to know MY history, she’s treating me as if I’m her psychologist and she’s complaining about being treated unfairly!
I leave with a script for Cipro that I said I would not fill until the results of my urine test comes back. I go home and realize I didn’t mention that I’ve been getting extremely bloated. So I send her an email and suggest that maybe, because of my mother’s history of uterine/ovarian cancer and because I had a cyst on my ovaries 6 months ago, maybe I should get a CA125 test. She emails me back discouraging (can’t be reliable)  it but ultimately writes me a script to get tested.  I get a call that my urine didn’t test positive for bacteria but it did have blood in it, so now she wants me to get an ultrasound of my bladder and kidneys. Well, I write back asking will this show my ovaries? She says no, she thinks it’s a urinary problem, not female plumbing problem, but since I’m worried about it, she’ll add that to the referral for an ultrasound.
Dusty is so adamant it’s kidney related but I just feel so sure it’s ovarian related – but I start to doubt myself. After all – she’s the doctor. She went to school for medicine. But I never felt she actually listened to me and so I got home and TRY not to focus on the fact I feel terrible, but then I worry that what if something is truly wrong – like it was for my Fran (my mother) and it goes undetected for years? We’re always told to be our own “advocate” yet when we sit in those small doctor offices with some dude or chick who is wearing an white jacket – and try to be our own advocate – we’re told to stop Googling our symptoms, don’t listen to friends or family, and more often than not, don’t even pay attention to our symptoms. We start to question ourselves. And so there I was – caught in the middle of feeling crappy and sure that something was wrong, missing the reassurance of my old family doctor, being told that my symptoms were probably just caused by my hormones (going through the change) – feeling like a freaking idiot but also feeling that I shouldn’t give up on figuring out what was wrong. Making sure this wasn’t ovarian or other female internal junk related – because unlike Fran, if I did have cancer, I knew I would just let nature takes it course. I would not put my body through chemo. If I drink as little as three alcoholic drinks, I wake up the next morning miserable: I’d rather have a great quality of life than a sickly quantity of life. And so I started to request my old records from Doylestown hospital so I could keep track of what was going on…this Dusty hardly knew me. And no one knows your body better than you know yourself. ***looking back in paperwork – the request for ultrasound says I have family hx of cancer but that my menses is normal. The “normal” menses seems to be a thread throughout this journey. I repeatedly tell EVERY doctor that I have not had a normal period for almost 7 years. That I only get my periods twice a year. See, people are NOT listening!!!

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