Tuesday, August 12, 2014

These Are OR Scrubs...Oh, Are They?

The pains in my lower left side - let's just call it what it is, my freaking ovary - though never really left, started to rage again in early July.
To the point where, if I didn't have pain meds, I would be ending up in the ER again. I made an appointment with Dr. Ianieri. My blood pressure was so low, the nurse called in another nurse to take my blood pressure - 90/60.
I assured them it was normally low - perhaps not THAT low, but it wasn't too far off and I didn't think they should be pulling out the MAST pants.
Dr. Ianieri and I discussed the hysterectomy again. I voiced my concern that the cyst didn't seem to have gone away and I was not getting my period - maybe we should just go ahead and take everything out.
She agreed.
I did mention I was worried about my wonky heart history during surgery and my low red cell counts, but she said if the cardiac docs had given the green light, it shouldn't be a problem.
She asked me to get another ultrasound just to see where things were. We scheduled the appoinment for September.
On 7/25 I got another ultrasound.
Now, when I went in, the tech said, "You're having right sided pain?"
And I explained, no, it was left side. It has always been left side, but ONE medical record from 9/12/13 mistakenly noted that it was right flank pain.
I also explained I'd had a cyst that measure the same dimensions on CAT scans done on 9/12/13 and on 3/13/14 but that an ultrasound on 3/4/14 had missed the cyst.

Well, there was a cyst on my left ovary. This report said it was complex and hemorrhagic and just about the same size as what the CAT scans had reported. The 7/25 report said it was a "new" cyst, but how can they tell? I mean, possibly, but it seems strange that I'm not getting periods yet I'm frequently getting cysts on my ovaries and have constant pain - just some days worse than others with back pain  and shooting pain down my leg. I asked to move the surgery up. With the ongoing pain and now that the cyst was complex, better to get it out asap.

I wondered if perhaps this is what was causing my blood work to be off? Could it be that my body kept trying to fight the cyst?

On July 25th - I had a pre-op meeting with Dr. Ianieri. John came with me. I had questions and concerns: Is the low red cell count anything to worry about? No.
I asked about the cyst being new (are we sure it's not the same cyst that's been there since at least last September?) - she said that cysts come and go with periods. I had to remind her I wasn't getting my period. Which gave me some anxiety. Then she talked to me about what we were going to remove during the surgery as if suggesting we take it all, when I'd already agreed to that. She assured me I didn't have cancer. When John and I left, I was totally anxiety ridden.
It was almost as if she had totally forgotten our previous appointments.
"You're just nervous. Remember you said you totally liked her just a few weeks ago."
And I had. And I did. I do.
I had preadmissions blood work and an EKG done and the blood test results showed my red cells had come up to just the acceptable bottom limit, but now my white cells are low. Geez lousie.
But I am concerned that I'm still having palpations. That my red blood cells are still struggling. I'm petrified I'm going to go into cardiac arrest during surgery. Or that my body will shut down after surgery.
The good thing is, I've been eating Oreos and Twizzlers and really appreciating each day. I've been stocking up on trash magazines to read in the optimistic hope I will recover and I'm actually excited I'll be able to watch REAL TV in my hospital room. I'm excited Katie is going to be staying with me and making ME dinner for a change (nothing to exotic, just comfort food like Spaghettios with franks and Kraft mac n cheese).
And as John reminds me, it could be worse...it could be WAY WORSE: I could be living in a prison in China where they shoot the prisoners and then don't even bother to knock them out while they have student doctors try to repair them.
That John, always the eternal voice of rationality.

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