Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dr. Gerstein - One More Time!

After seeing Dr. Dinesen, I got a call the next day from Doylestown Gynecology. They wanted to know why Dr. Dinesen was requesting a transfer of my records. I was honest. I told them about my horrible experience with PAC Frederick.
They asked for another chance.  So, I was quite touched that they actually wanted to win my business back and so, on March 19th, 2014,  I went to see Dr. Gerstein. She was extremely nice. Really took time to talk to me...but, honestly, she didn't seem to take my symptoms seriously and tried to talk me out of hysterectomy (which I was considering and which Dr. Dinesen had agreed given my family history and my current problems and ongoing cyst, it might be a good thing). She also totally contradicted Dinesen and backed up Frederick and said, "Ultrasounds Don't Lie, CAT scans do!" So I decided to get a third opinion and in between that time of waiting to see the new doctor - the cyst is now complex and hemorrhagic. So, I can't recommend this practice who kept assuring me there was nothing to worry about and didn't take my concerns at all seriously (and they also tried to point out Dr. Dinesen delivers babies and they do NOT, implying that my best bet is their practice because he is so busy). Also, people, remember you are your own best advocate and know your body best!

(update: On July 25 2014, that cyst that allegedly didn't show up on the ultrasound on March 4th, yet showed up on CAT scans, is now reported to be a complex hemorrhagic cysts after a second ultrasound). 

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